Thursday, July 12, 2012

La bosse

La bosse

The Bump

If I knew any French I would run with it since it's Tour de France time.  Let's stop at The bump and move on.

My how time flies!  Now that the giant hole in my shoulder is healed over I finally had the stomach to take a picture of the residual (physical) damage and introduce it to the world...or just the one person that reads this.

Let's back up 4 weeks to the Friday I went against all my better judgement and met a few guys for a 6:00 AM training ride.  By 9:00 AM I was drinking "free" ER coffee at Dublin Methodist. Hell I don't normally make it to my basement office before 9:00AM most Fridays.

Grade 3/4?

So when she says well lets talk about your ribs first, you could see the other shoe dropping in from 30,000 feet.  "ribs are not broken, yada, yada, yada".  I doze off into space and the next thing I hear is "AC Separation, Grade 3/4".  Shit half the people I know who ride bikes have a little bump so cannot be that bad right?   As she is doing the discharge paperwork Sarah calls and make Ortho appt.

Fast Forward

So its been four weeks.  What was a grade 3/4 when the Radiologist read it, became a 3 when the Ortho Surgeon looked at the file 3 days later.  85% chance with rest and rehab you get most function back.  Rest and Wait is the bottom line.  2 weeks later, new x-rays, I am feeling like 110% better when he walks in and drops the "F" word.  It "FELL" since the original X-ray.  He is way not very positive about recovery without surgery. No matter nothing we can do until the skin fully heals come back and two weeks.  Which leads to today:

P.A. - Well Dr. M and a colleague looked at your film from last time and it is now a grade 5
Me - silence
P.A - words, words, surgery, words, words, surgery, Dr. M will be in in a minute
Me - silence
P.A. - 8 weeks immobile, 6 month recovery time.
Me - in my head, yes Dr. M has said that each time and that is the reason they hate to do the surgery

I know, Jason land this plane...Same message from Dr. M.  I cannot fix it until skin heals, and you can wait as long as you want.  I have 1 million thoughts going through my head.  Then, as I walk out of the exam room to make my follow up appointment in four weeks, he says "all things being equal, I would have the surgery".

Valentines Day is 7 months from today.  I hear Knob Creek Calling.