Ever think back to your first sports memories? That may be football, Hoops, Soccer, Volleyball, Dance, whatever it was in your life. Mine is Ohio State Football. I lived in Columbus for three years while my Dad was at Ohio State. So pre-school through 1st grade I lived in the middle of Buckeye Football. Not a lot has not changed, but back then I hung out in the 'Shoe and North Facility for intramural practice, ran all over the empty stadium, met Woody Hayes there, and attended Buckeye Games during the Archie Griffin years. All this stuff had changed as society has changed the last 30 years. They don't watch us we watch them. Nowadays we make our kids start organized sports when they are 4 and drag them all over the state until they are burnt out or we are out of money. Is this right? Is this wrong? I don't know. It's just how things are.
Already being a little nostalgic this week, Jack crawls into bed this morning and asked me what I did for fun when I was his age? I told him ride bikes with my friends, play baseball and run around. "But Dad did you play football?" How could I forget pickup games in the old neighborhood? It was every single day in the fall and winter. When we didn't have enough for teams, we'd play Smear the Queer. Guess that's no longer PC and probably too rough? Then he asks me "What I will do for sports when I am your age?" (His guess was workout in the basement like Mom, in case you wondered) Stumped for a minute before I realized although I've made mistakes and missed out on some dreams, it's the same thing. Riding bikes, playing pick up football (with the little kids &/or the 40 year old kids) and looking forward to those 11(12) fall Saturday's so I can pretend I am still your age.
I guess the after a cup or 3 of coffee advice for him is you are five, you still have the chance to be anything you want to be when you grow up. Make the best of it, be a kid as long and as often as you can, be a grown up when life dictates and live your dreams.
...to Ohio State to old Columbus town, to hear the stadium to hear the band, by far the finest in the land.