Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Autum Comes to Columbus

Nothing worse than the end of summer. However, the start of college football and a good Labor Day party sure help ease the pain.

Verbena Bash Five is over and done. Think we have the magic food formula going forward...16 Beer Can Chickens were consumed...yummy. Don't they look "happy"?

Took Grace to her first OSU game on Saturday. It was Africa Hot but I think she had a good time. For never having been to a game her instincts at the concession stand were right on. Game Dog, Pretzel, Skittles, Big Coke. NICE WORK for someone that size. She gave Pa-Paw Greg and I a run for our money. But don't you worry I got my three game dogs down without any trouble.

Did get in two quick laps around P2 with Jason and Nick before the party Sunday. I had a nasty wipe out, going too fast for my skills, bounced off a root or two and missed Nick's Bridge (sound familiar). Either I was lucky or I am leaning how to crash. I Supermaned off the bike in mid air and managed to land face first in the muddy ravine away from the bike. Not even a scratch...

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